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Planning Board Minutes06/16/2011
June 16, 2011

Members & Staff Present:                
Diane Chauncey (Secretary)        David Dubois (Member)   Jesse Lazar (Member)  
Charles Levesque (Member)         Martha Pinello (Member)         Andrew Robblee (Member)         
John Robertson (Ex-Officio)    Mike Tatro (Alternate)
Members & Staff Absent:
Scott Burnside   (Member)       Stephen Schacht (Alternate)     

Public Attendees:
Stephen Ullman  Marcia Ullman   Rob Michaelson  Melanie Blackman
Barbara Gard            Scott Kurz

7:00 PM – Review Period
Review June 2, 2011 Minutes
Appoint alternates to sit for absent members – Mr. Tatro to sit for the absent Mr. Burnside

Business Meeting:
Approve/amend minutes of June 2, 2011  
Mr. Levesque moved to adopt the minutes of the June 2, 2011 meeting. Mr. Dubois seconded. The minutes were amended by several Board members. By a voice vote, the minutes were approved, as amended, by a unanimous vote.

June 2, 2011 Minutes – 46 Main Street – Ms. Pinello would like to see future regulations in place that support community members after a major fire occurs. (46 Main Street housed several businesses). Ms. Pinello listed numerous buildings on Main Street that have burned and changed the landscape of Main Street [since 1984]. In the future, she would like to see appropriate infill in the community – best choices for a community when a disaster affects a community and how the Planning Board could assist those affected.

Report from Ad Hoc committee  

Wind Conference Marlborough MA
Ms. Pinello had attended the New England Wind Energy Conference (with five other Planning Board/AdHoc Committee Members). She stated that the conference was great --  a mix of consultants, industry people, towns people, opponents. The NEWEEP website will have many of the Power Points that the conference attendees viewed.

AdHoc Committee Report

The committee has a draft sample form – in two different formats.
  • Within the Site Plan Review Regulations
  • “Stand Alone” Regulations
The Ad Hoc Committee has recommended stand alone regulations Ms. Pinello read a letter written by Mary Allen (AdHoc committee member) explaining why the Utility Scale Wind Facility Regulations should “stand alone” in the Antrim Zoning Ordinance.

Ms. Pinello stated that she had questions for the Planning Board. Question one – should the regulations stand alone or be inserted into the Site Plan Review.

The consensus of the Planning Board is to have the Site Plan Section of  the Utility Scale Wind Facility Regulations as a stand alone document.

The discussion continued. The Planning Board discussed the following:

        All relevant regulations in the existing Site Plan Review Regulations would be          incorporated into the Utility Scale Wind Facility Regulations.
        The new document would enable a developer to come in and review a complete use.
        A new checklist would most likely be required.
        The new regulations could address future renewable energy issues.
        The importance of setbacks, sound, and siting were reinforced.

It was agreed that the Public Input session will be very important, and that the Planning Board should schedule an out of schedule meeting on June 30.

Board Members would like to engage  a consultant  (Jean Viserine). Board members who had attended the Wind Conference were impressed with her siting knowledge.

Mr. Dubois (who has been working on the regulatory aspects of the future Ordinance) stated that the definitions are missing and the distance and noise table are not included. The setbacks are still being discussed. He noted that sound was a very important aspect and that needed further study.

Town Planner position – Mr. Levesque, Mr. Lazar –update

Mr. Levesque stated that the Board of Selectmen (BOS) and the Planning Board (PB) do not agree. The BOS have stated that if the Site Evaluation Committee (SEC) takes jurisdiction of the Utility Scale Wind Facility – a Town Planner will not be necessary. In the interim, the BOS would like to adapt Ms. Chauncey’s roles to fit the current work needed for the Planning Department.

There were questions from the Board:
        What are the short term and long term values of a Town Planner?
        If there is not a lot going on – why does the Town need a Town Planner?
What was the concern about the Planning Board and the Planning Board’s role in hiring a Town Planner?
        What about the budget?
        Budget questions arose.
Planning Board Members agreed that there should be money in the budget to cover expenses incurred by the Planning Board – such as Consultants.

Mr. Levesque listed the following on the easel:

        PB Staff

  • Consultants for wind issue
  • Secretarial support
  • Professional planning assistance (SWRP & OEP) for wind issues
  • Application procedure assistance – clear path to permitting – as needed
Mr. Levesque moved that the Board had changed their mind and that although a Town Planner was very important and should remain in the Planning Department budget, the position may not be currently appropriate. Ms. Pinello seconded. By a voice vote, all agreed.

Chair Robblee will speak with the Town Administrator stating that the Board had unanimously agreed that consultants would need to be hired.

Ms. Chauncey said that the Town of Greenfield uses Carol Olgivie’s (Town of Peterborough – Community Development Director) services for the Planning Department applications. Some board members were interested in contacting her.
Status of Escrow Accounts – update

Mr. Glover (Knapton Circle) – bond has been re-issued. Mr. Glover is addressing two PSNH easements and the collapsed culvert.

Chair Robblee will contact Mr. Belletete (Gap Mountain Development, formerly In’Ex Homes)

“Guiding Change Informational, Planning Tools for Your Community - CD”

Lisa Murphy from SWRP would like to present the CD to multiple Boards. The Planning Board  said that they would  prefer to view the CD individually.

SEC update – The continued Adjudicatory Hearing will occur on  June 27, 2011 at 9:00AM  - at the office of the NH Public Utilities Commission, 21 South Fruit Street, Concord, NH.
Review By-laws for changes – amendments and additions for PB approval Mr. Levesque had requested that any changes should be noted in red. Ms. Chauncey provided red lined copies to all members for their review.  The Board members will discuss the by-laws at the next meeting.

Planning Department Budget
The June Year to Date budget was presented for the Board’s information.

A long discussion occurred. Board members discussed the following:

        Legal fees – important to note that the PB had not gone over budget
        Line items needed to be adjusted
        When the PB makes a decision, the majority vote is the way it should be
Raising the money for legal fees – the entire Board has the responsibility – the majority        rules – the decision has been made
Issue of raising legal fees – the entire board has the responsibility

Although the majority agreed that the Chair had an important role and needed to move forward, the Chair said that his morals have not changed. Some members of the Board felt that the Chair had  implied that only the four who had voted for legal counsel were in charge of fundraising {for the legal costs}. The Board discussed that when a decision was made and not all agreed – what would they do to move on. The Chair stated that he was trying not to hinder the process. It was stated that his resigning from the AdHoc Committee was contrary to the wishes of the Board and that it appeared that he was attempting to undermine the Planning Board. And, it was further stated that the Chair had more of a duty. Another member stated that the Board was obligated for the $7000.00, but not on a personal basis. It was stated that the Chair did have a capability to listen to people. The Chair stated that he is attempting to be fair.

10:30PM - Request for Non-Public session

Mr. Levesque moved that the Board enter a non-public session according to RSA 91-A: 3, II (a) and (c) for the purpose of discussing personnel issues. Mr. Lazar seconded. Ms. Chauncey was asked to leave. She asked if it was about her. Mr. Levesque said no.

Roll Call Vote: Mr. Dubois; yes; Mr. Levesque, yes; Mr. Lazar, yes; Chair Robblee, no; Mr. Robertson, no; Ms. Pinello, yes; Mr. Tatro, no. The motion passed.